- Attendance
- After School Programs & Friday Child Care
- Attendance Boundaries
- Blackboard Communicate
- Bullying Information
- Clever
- Destiny Library
- District Handbook
- Dress Code
- Homeless Education Assistance
- Immigration Policy
- Immunizations
- Maker Showcase
- PowerSchool
- KinderSteps & Kindergarten
- School Hours
- School Tax Credit
- Sports Physical Form
- Student Accident & Sickness Insurance Information
- Summer Learning Activities & Ideas
- Technology Information & Support
- Understanding Arizona’s Statewide Assessment Tests
- Weekend Backpack Program
- COVID Info
- Mental Health & Wellness
- Johnson O’Malley (JOM) Program
- Volunteers
Hours of Operation
Elementary School- 7:45 AM - 3:00 PM
Middle School- 8:30 AM - 4:00 PMOne of CGESD’s district-wide goals this year is to increase student attendance. Our students miss out on learning every time they are absent. We miss your child each day they are absent!
You can help us by scheduling medical and dental appointments outside of school hours and scheduling family vacations on non-school days and breaks.
If your child needs to be absent, please remember to call the school office or send a note to excuse their absence before or on the day of their absence. Per Arizona state law, ARS § 15-807(B), we cannot excuse absences once a student returns to school. State law and district policy define the types of absences that can be excused. These reasons include illness, bereavement, other family emergencies, observance of major religious holidays of the family's faith, and mental or behavioral health.
If you forget to call to excuse an absence, our messaging system will call on the day of the absence to remind you. Phone calls are made for all unexcused absences and unexcused tardies. Please make sure we have your updated contact information, including phone numbers, so you receive these notifications.