- Casa Grande Elementary School District 4
- Website Accessibility
Website Accessibility Policy IJNDBA
The Casa Grande Elementary School District is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website for students, parents, and members of the community with disabilities. All pages on the District's website will conform to the W3C/WAI's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA conformance, or updated equivalents of these guidelines.
The Superintendent has established the following procedures whereby students, parents, and members of the public may present a complaint regarding a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504, and Title II related to the accessibility of any official District web presence which is developed by, maintained by, or offered through the District or third party vendors and open sources.
A Website Accessibility Concerns/Complaints form related to the accessibility of websites developed or maintained by the District is available at each school, at the District office, and on the District website. The form includes identification information, date, description of the problem, location of the inaccessible site, and the solution suggested.
The concern or complaint may be made verbally, by e-mail, in writing, or by completing the form provided by the District. All such communications will be forwarded to a staff member or consultant designated by the Superintendent.
Each concern or complaint will be processed and the person initiating the communication will receive a timely response, including the provision of access to the website information requested.
Website Accessibility Concerns/Complaints Form
The Website Accessibility Concerns/Complaints Form may be downloaded below and completed regarding your website accessibility concern/complaint.
A concern or complaint related to the accessibility of the websites created or maintained by the District may be made verbally, by email, in writing, or by completing the following form provided by the District. This communication shall be forwarded to the Director of Digital Learning and Strategy or another consultant designated by the Superintendent. You may be contacted if more information is needed in order to address your concern/complaint. After being processed, you will be contacted within approximately 15 business days with a response, including the provision of access to the website information requested.
Formulario de inquietudes / quejas sobre accesibilidad del sitio web
Formulario de inquietudes / quejas sobre accesibilidad del sitio web