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Thank you for choosing the Casa Grande Elementary School District for the education of your child. We believe in the value, uniqueness, and potential of every child and we look forward to meeting you and your family. This page provides information, details, and forms that outline our Kindergarten and KinderSteps programs. If you have any questions about the enrollment process, you can contact any school office or the District Office at (520) 836-2111.
By Governing Board policy and state law, children enrolling in kindergarten must turn 5 before September 1. Kindergarten students are taught English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, General Music, and Educational Technology aligned to the Arizona Academic Standards. For more information about the key things Kindergarten students will learn, the National Parent Teacher Organization (PTA) has created a parent guide.
Parents have several young learner options for children who will have their 5th birthday after August 31 but by December 31. Please contact the Early Childhood Learning Center with any questions at 520-876-0045.
- Option 1: KinderSteps
Children who turn 5 after August 31 but by December 31 may apply to participate in the KinderSteps Program. The KinderSteps program offers age-exception students the opportunity to participate in a regular full-day Kindergarten at their home school. Students who apply for KinderSteps will be required to meet the District's criteria for Kindergarten readiness as assessed on the district screener. Screening appointments will be scheduled for early spring. - Option 2: Parents may choose to wait another year to enroll their child(ren) in the Casa Grande Elementary School District.
- Option 1: KinderSteps