November 16, 2020
Dear CGESD Families,
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our District’s plans to offer “on-site support services” as required through Executive Orders 2020-51, 2020-44, and 2020-41 for the 2020-2021 school year.
Options for students needing a safe, supervised, and connected place to learn will be articulated through CGESD’s agreement with the Boys and Girls Club of the Sun Corridor. Currently, the Boys and Girls Club is providing “on-site support services” in three locations:1. Nap Lawrence Branch located in the Casa Grande Community Recreation Center,
2. Len Colla Branch located in the Len Colla Recreation Center, and
3. Mesquite Branch located at Mesquite Elementary School.
If you are in need of these services and have not yet submitted your application, please email Mesquite@cgkids.org with the name of your student(s), grade level, and the school they attend to have them included on the waitlist.
Additionally, the Casa Grande Alliance will be hosting community "Learning HUBS" which will operate at Cactus Middle School, Casa Grande Middle School, and Villago Middle School. These Learning HUBS will provide K-8 students a safe and supervised environment to access the internet for distance learning and receive on-site student support services. All Learning HUBS are free of charge and operate on a walk in basis, Monday-Friday from 8am - 4pm. Breakfast and lunches will be provided at no cost to students.
Please be in touch if you have any questions. We can be reached at outreach@cgesd.org.
Thank you,
JoEtta Gonzales, Ed.D